Mount Vernon: Church Awards College Scholarships

The Aldersgate Permanent Endowment Committee has awarded 10 scholarships for the 2015-16 school year, eight for college students and two $1,500 gifts for qualified Wesley Theological Seminary students.

College scholarships for $1,000 each were awarded to: Caroline Austin, Lillian Chong, Charlotte Hayes, Andrew Hurd, Natalie Hurd, Hannah Lau, Laura-Paige Mertins, and Isabelle Norton. Eligible applicants were required to be members or regular attendees of Aldersgate Church. The criteria used for selection, in order of priority, were financial need; participation in Aldersgate Church activities; academic achievement/leadership development; and participation in community activities. In addition, the Endowment Committee conducted in-person interviews with each candidate.

These scholarships were made possible by contributions from Aldersgate members, and from previously established endowment funds, to provide financial assistance for Aldersgate students pursuing college or seminary degrees.