Mount Vernon and West Potomac High School Students Attend Amundson Institute

Earlier this month, six students from West Potomac and Mount Vernon High Schools traveled to Richmond to experience state government first-hand.

WPHS seniors Jayne Orleans, Kelly O'Meara, Margaret O'Meara, juniors Taamson Joshua and Emma Kelly, and MVHS senior Catherine Ming were selected to participate in Del. Scott Surovell’s (D-44) Amundson Institute, created by former 44th district Del. Kristen “Kris” Amundson.

The students were chosen based on their high grade point average and demonstrated leadership potential as members of student government, the National Honor Society and sports teams.

Between Feb. 1 to 2, students at the institute met with former delegate Kris Amundson and Chris Saxman, state Sen. Adam Ebbin (D-30), Secretary of Education Ann Holton and Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), as well as attend committee hearings and the House of Delegates floor session.