Editorial: Be Part of Children’s Connection

Call for student artwork and writing; deadline Dec. 6.

During the last week of each year, The Connection devotes its entire issue to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable, and the editions have won many awards. It is a keepsake edition for many families, and an edition read and praised by readers with and without children.

The annual Children’s Connection is a tradition of well over a decade, and we begin getting inquiries from teachers and parents about submitting artwork and writing almost as soon as each school year begins.

We publish artwork, poetry, essays, creative writing, opinion pieces, short stories, photography, photos of sculpture or gardens or other creative efforts.

We ask that all submissions be digital so they can be sent through email or delivered on CD or flash drive. Writing should be submitted in rich text format (.rtf). Artwork should be photographed or scanned and provided in jpeg format.

Identify each piece of writing or art, including the student’s full name, age, grade and town of residence, plus the name of the school, name of teacher and town of school location. Please provide the submissions by Friday, Dec. 6.

Some suggestions:

  • Drawings or paintings or photographs of family, friends, pets or some favorite activity. These should be photographed or scanned and submitted in jpeg format.
  • Short answers (50 to 100 words) to some of the following questions: If you could give your parents any gift that didn't cost money what would that gift be? What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year? What is one thing that you would change about school? What do you want to be when you grow up? What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite toy? What makes a good parent? What makes a good friend? What is one of the best or worst things that ever happened to you? What is the best gift you've ever given? Ever received?
  • Opinion (50 to 100 words) about traffic, sports, restaurants, video games, toys, trends, etc.
  • Poetry or other creative writing.
  • Opinion pieces about family, friends, movies, traffic, sports, food, video games, toys, trends, etc.
  • News stories from school newspapers.
  • We welcome contributions from families, public and private schools, individuals and homeschoolers.

Email submissions for the Vienna/Oakton, McLean, Great Falls, Reston and Oak Hill/Herndon Children’s Connections to ChildrensNorth@connectionnewspapers.com.

Email submissions for Springfield, Burke, Fairfax, Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connections to ChildrensSouth@Connectionnewspapers.com.

Email submissions for the Potomac Almanac to editor Steven Mauren at smauren@connectionnewspapers.com.

Email submissions for the Arlington Children’s Connection to editor Steven Mauren at smauren@connectionnewspapers.com.

Email submissions for the Children’s Centre View to editor Steven Mauren at smauren@connectionnewspapers.com.

Email submissions for the Children’s Gazette in the Alexandria Gazette Packet or Mount Vernon Gazette to editor Steven Mauren at smauren@connectionnewspapers.com.

To send CDs or flash drives containing artwork and typed, electronic submissions, mark them clearly by school and hometown and mail the CD to Children’s Connection, 1606 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Please send all submissions by Dec. 6. The Children’s Connection will publish the week of Dec. 26, 2013.