Editorial: Share Wisdom With Newcomers and Others

The Connection's Newcomers and Community Guide publishes in late August.

Our Insider's Edition Newcomers and Community Guides, will publish the last week of August.

What tips do you have for someone getting to know your community? We're hoping to share the places, activities, events, organizations and volunteer opportunities your neighbors might not know about. What great places and activities do you want your new neighbors to know about? Events that should not be missed? Organizations that do a great job? Places to volunteer? Tips for navigating your PTA or your school’s front office? We'd love to have your photos to go along with your suggestions.

Faith organizations, nonprofit organizations, clubs, environmental groups, advocacy groups, youth sports teams and others who offer events open to the public are invited to send a paragraph about the organization and how to get involved.

We will publish a selection of local tips along with a plethora of information useful to newcomers and long-time residents alike, including our award-winning Insiders Guide to the Parks, information on how to vote and more.

See last year’s community guides by going to www.connectionnewspapers.com/PDFs/ and scrolling down to Newcomers.

Email tips and photos to editors@connectionnewspapers.com. Send in your Insider's Tips by Friday, Aug. 16.

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