Letter: Persistence Pays Off

— To the Editor:

After three years of hard work, finally, last week, the Westgrove Park off-leash dog area (OLDA) began to take shape. As the accompanying photos show, the peripheral fence is installed. The entrance gates will be installed this week. I visited the park last Sunday morning and found a number of people with their dogs, eager to use the new facility. Second from the left in one accompanying photo is Mary Tracy, with her dog Rudy. Mary is a member of the board of directors of Westgrove PACK, the proponents of the OLDA. Until the gates are installed, technically the OLDA is not open for "business," the business of having fun with one's dog.

One remaining question is why it took three years to get this done? Unfortunately, in the Mount Vernon district, a handful of activists have managed to use their influence to delay the process. The details have already been published numerous times — creating of fictitious organizations which "oppose," false claims of speaking for larger groups, claims that establishing the OLDA would reward criminal behavior, behind the scenes lobbying, etc., etc. Thankfully, the opposition was all for naught and this no-brainer will soon be open.

Kudos to Westgrove PACK for persevering in the face of adversity to get the job done. PACK stepped up to the plate, fought the good fight and committed to financing a significant portion of the expense of the infrastructure. I understand Supervisor Hyland has never received so many signatures on a petition supporting any issue, in his over two decades of service as Mount Vernon supervisor. Clearly the OLDA has widespread support and deserves to be established and to be included in the final master plan.

H. Jay Spiegel

Mount Vernon