Open House for Retiring Teachers

Waynewood Elementary School is having an open house on Monday, June 11, 4-7 p.m., in the gym, for retiring teachers Mary Wilson and Eileen Deaver. Friends, parents, and students (former and current) are invited to help celebrate Wilson’s and Deaver’s years of service to Waynewood School and the community.

Wilson began her career as a first grade teacher in Arlington County in 1969. She began working for Fairfax County in 1970 as a kindergarten teacher. While her children were growing up, she worked as a substitute teacher at Fort Hunt Elementary School.

Wilson came to Waynewood in 1989 as a kindergarten teacher. Since then, she has taught first grade, second grade, and multi-age K-1-2 classes. Two of Wilson’s daughters have been active volunteers at Waynewood. Six of her grandchildren have attended Waynewood.

Deaver began her career teaching fourth grade in Andover, N.J. The next year she moved to Virginia and worked at JC Parks Elementary School in Charles County, Md., teaching third grade for six years and children with learning disabilities for eight years. After six years as a full-time mom to her daughters Meghan and Kristen, Deaver returned to teaching as a special education teacher at Silverbrook Elementary School in Fairfax County. Six years later she joined the staff at Waynewood Elementary School, where she has taught special education for the last 17 years.