Editorial: Surviving through Summer

Helping teens.

It is that time again, the time from proms to graduation, and all the celebrations that come with it. It's lovely to think, from a distance, that this is a happy and uncomplicated time for teens as the school year winds down, many look forward to college in the fall and a summer of internships or other interesting activities.

Few adults with clear memories of high schools would likely be willing to turn back the clock and relive that time, especially with the addition of mobile phone videos and photos to accompany those awkward moments or more serious bullying or harassment.

We do know that many, if not most, teenagers will be celebrating, or possibly self-medicating, with alcohol, and that many will engage in binge drinking. While drinking and driving, or getting into a car with a driver who has been drinking, can kill, there are many other problems that come along with binge drinking. Parents owe it to themselves to talk to their teens about it, even as the teen turns away, rolls eyes, and otherwise indicates he or she is ignoring everything you say, some information will go in. They do hear you, and sometimes even make use of the information later.

Keep talking. Tell them you love them. Tell them it's been too much work to get them to this point to risk losing them. Tell them not to text and drive. Tell them not to drink and drive. Tell them not to get in a car with anyone driving who has been drinking. Tell them you'll come pick them up anytime that they need a safe ride home, without grounding them for the summer.

Father's Day Photos

Father's Day is Sunday, June 17, and once again the Connection will publish a gallery of Father's Day photos.

Every year at this time, the Connection puts out the call for photographs of fathers and their children, grandfathers and their children and grand children.

Send in photos as soon as possible, including names of everyone in the picture, the date the picture was taken, the ages of the children and sentence or two about what is happening and where the photograph was taken. Be sure to include your town name and neighborhood. Photos are due by June 8.

You can submit your photos online at http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/fathersday.