Help ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ This Saturday

Postal carriers to collect donated food.

Among the letter carriers across the nation collecting food donations this Saturday, May 12, for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Mount Vernon’s postal carrier David Yip who delivers mail along Fort Hunt Road.

“It’s good to help the hungry people out,” said Yip, who’s originally from China and has delivered mail for 17 years. Residents here and across America are asked to leave their bagged donations of nonperishable food by their mail boxes for Yip and his fellow letter carriers to pick up and deliver later in the day to food banks.

Pet food is welcomed too.

Yip says he doesn’t mind the extra work at all. “If it’s light I put it in my bag and carry it back to my truck. If not, I remember where it is and pick it up with my truck.”

In the Mount Vernon area the donations will go directly to Rising Hope Mission Church and to UCM (United Community Ministries), both located just off Route 1. That afternoon volunteers at both locations will unload the mail trucks and restock their emergency pantry shelves.

“It’s really benefited us,” said the Rev. Keary Kincannon at Rising Hope. “We depend upon this every May to replenish our food pantry at a time when the amount of giving is low and our shelves are bare. We’re extremely grateful.”

This is the 20th year for the drive which comes this year at a critical time when the recession and rising numbers of poor have resulted in heavier and heavier demands on food pantries.