Letter: Exchange Student’s Appreciation

To the Editor:

Hi, my name is Elena Dreim¸ller and I am an exchange student from Germany.

It seems like yesterday when I first met my Host Family, but it already has been 8 months!

I learned so much during this year: not just about the life in America, but also about myself. When I arrived I was really afraid. What if the people don’t understand me, because my English isn’t good enough? What if I don’t make friends? What if …?

But a lot of people helped me, making this year unique and a wonderful experience and I want to say ‘Thank You!’

First, I would like to thank my World Heritage Area Representative Diane Galvin, for searching and finding my host family; also a big ‘thank you’ goes to West Potomac High School: my counselor Ms Levine and to my teachers Mrs Chance, Mr, Jones and Ms Funsten, Ms Rodriguez, Mr, Sanchez, Mr, Fitzgerald, Ms Schneider and Mr. Erhardt (thanks for making History Class fun again), Ms Larsen and Ms Dunn. Also ‘thank you’ to my Photography Class.

A very big ‘thank you’ goes to Ms Adrienne, Ms Gennifer, and the West Potomac Dance Team. I never had more fun dancing and I will never forget the time I could spend with you guys.

Of course I want to thank the Manthey family for hosting me; you were willing to host someone for a year, you didn’t even know. You helped me, whenever I needed help, especially in my first weeks here. Thank you for introducing me to the American culture and for everything else you’ve done for me. Thank you so much/

Without y’all, I wouldn’t have made the experiences I’ve made. I will never forget this year! It was awesome! Thank you so much!

Anyone who’d like to host a student can call my rep, Diane Galvin at 703-507-9224 or go to www.whhosts.com for details.

Elena Dreim¸ller

Lives with host family Kevin and Susan Manthey of Alexandria