Mother Nature Is Local Resident

— Some in the Mount Vernon area think Mother Nature moved away, perhaps to the shore or the mountains. Not true. She still lives in the neighborhood and likes folks to visit. Two locations stand out.

Fairfax County Parks Authority owns Huntley Meadows Park. A full range of "active" programs is offered for all ages and all interests, from birding to scouting merit badges to basic outdoor sciences instruction. However, the true treasures are "passive": The trails. Birds. Trees. Signs of small animals. Underbrush. Sunlight slanting through the leaves. 

Alone or not, sounds and sights of modern life fall away and a beautiful stillness takes over.

The National Park Service maintains a wildlife preserve called Dyke Marsh. This freshwater tidal wetland sits on the river beside the George Washington Parkway at Belle Haven. There is no visitors center. A few benches at scenic spots along the trail were built by a fledgling Eagle Scout. Occasionally, the sounds of a passing airplane or hum of tires on asphalt intrude. Mostly, however, it is all about waterfowl, birds, animals, acres of cattails and views of the river and its mudflats. Boaters find waterside approaches especially inviting. 

Mother Nature loves company. Come join her for a walk.


Huntley Meadows Park

3701 Lockheed Blvd 

Alexandria, VA 



Open every day

from dawn to dusk

Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve

Enter at Belle Haven Marina

off the George Washington Parkway

Details at HYPERLINK ""

Open every day

From dawn to dusk