17 New Artists join Torpedo Factory Through Annual Jury Process

The Torpedo Factory Artists’ Association welcomes seventeen new artists through the annual jury held March 19-23 at the art center. An outside panel of art experts made the selection from among 84 artists who applied during this year’s annual jury process.

The Torpedo Factory’s Target Gallery is holding a week-long exhibition of the selected work, March 24 – April 1, with a closing reception on Sunday, April 1, from 2-4 p.m.

The 2-D Newly Juried Artists include Rachel Kerwin, who creates striking paintings exploring the tension and beauty that can arise in spite of fear, violence, or chaos. Allen Levy experiments with light, color, and luminosity to create a sense of balance in his paintings, which he refers to as “dreamscapes”. The remaining Newly Juried 2-D Artists include two other painters, Lesley Clarke and Jennifer Brewer Stone, and seven fine art photographers, Soomin Ham, Brady Wilks, Greg Knott, Eric T. Johnson, Guido Krueger, Fred Zafran, and E. E. McCollum.

Among the 3-D applicants, one jeweler, Dejan Jovanovic, and three ceramic artists, Bev Andrews, Jamie Fine, and Karin Abromaitis, were selected. Maureen Melville, who works with handmade German glass to create rich, colorful stained glass pieces, and fiber artist Holly Sugarman, who finds new meaning and purpose in everyday overlooked objects, were also among the 3-D artists selected in this year’s annual jury process.

For the Torpedo Factory’s annual jury process, there are separate 3-person panels judging the 2-D work and the 3-D work. The jurors are highly qualified professional artists, curators, teachers, museum directors and the like, who are independent of the Torpedo Factory. Their decision is final. They look for work that meets the highest standards of professionalism and promise.

Two-dimensional jurors:

Judy Southerland, Painter and Associate Professor, Corcoran College of Art + Design

Mark Leithauser, Artist and Senior Curator and Chief of Design, National Gallery of Art

Frank Hallam Day, Fine Art Photographer

Three-dimensional jurors:

Yuriko Yamaguchi, Sculptor and Professional Lecturer in Sculpture, George Washington University

David Smedley, Sculptor and Associate Professor and Sculpture Program Coordinator, Howard University Dominie Nash, Fiber Artist