Letter: Think Things Through

To the Editor:

Councilwoman Hughes is and was correct in her "fiscal budgetary" no vote on opening a continuing education facility at Landmark Mall. Why would you spend money on opening/setting up a satellite facility when the mall will begin major renovations and redevelopment in two years bringing in to question the viability of the satellite facility to exist beyond one year. A smarter move would have been to make TC a 9-12 grade campus and then using Minnie Howard for said item or using it to house our elementary school kids from a given school that is otherwise in line for a complete renovation. Where is the long term planning ... another major missed opportunity. Given Landmark Malls vacancy, I'd welcome it with open arms too if I were them.

Also, the ASA/city property transfer and to get a mini athletic field should have been a no brainer ... all a council member needs to do is a two-minute pit stop to the site to realize it's a win for the city.

Last, very disappointing to realize that a divider/left turn lane for Jefferson Davis Highway was not incorporated into the Potomac Yard development between Custis Avenue and Hume. This is a perfect example if poor planning when it comes to infrastructure improvements.

Ruben Duran
