Taylor Run

Joy filled the air as the students of St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes brought to life "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.

Director Jim Marvin continued his practice of introducing his performers to widely varying forms of theater. He moves the 48-person cast all over the theater, creating a feeling of inclusiveness. "We are all connected, but we sometimes lose sight of that," he said in his director’s notes. The camaraderie came to a height in the closing number when the entire cast went into the audience and fetched Headmistress Joan Holden to join them onstage in the final number, where she danced happily.

Adhana Reid used her remarkable voice to great effect as the narrator. Matthew Mirliani bounced joyously through the role of Joseph. TreVaughn Allison was impressive as Jacob. P. J. Dupree played Pharoah, Emma Brown was the Butler, Aaron Brackett was the Baker, Christian Osborne was Potipher, and Christina Thompson, a very lively Mrs. Potipher. The Hairy Ishmaelites were portrayed by Catie Beckhorn, Natascha Zelloe, Anii Chams-Eddine, Dylan Reynolds, and Ellen Stevens.

In the audience were parents of students who had come from a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Holden. Among the guests were Fran and Gant Redmon, Janice Connally, Sara, Lindsey and Elizabeth Gamble.

Lois Kelso Hunt