Letter: Elections for Family And Community

To the Editor:

We need effective, sustainable solutions.

When more than 100 million Americans are living in poverty, struggling to keep their homes, when millions of Americans are unemployed and others have given up, we need jobs.

Many establishment politicians have made themselves icons for insularity, arrogance and corruption offering nothing or little to help us move forward in overcoming the challenges confronting our community and our nation.

Apparently, all three Democratic candidates for Virginia’s 8th congressional district agree Jim Moran’s insider trading was unethical. The difference: I supported Louise Slaughter’s proposal six years ago when she first proposed the STOCK Act. Moran took no action until he was exposed on 60 Minutes.

Moran’s legacy remains the record of an elitist. He voted against the Progressive Caucus to limit bankruptcy remedies for people in 2005, then to bail out Wall Street banks in 2008. He obviously is in favor of Wall Street as opposed to ordinary Americans.

I am an ordinary American, a concerned neighbor who cares, listens and takes responsible action. For over 20 years I have served on state, regional and local public committees as well as nonprofit boards. I want great things for our community and our nation. That’s why I seek to serve in Congress.

This election is about you, your family and our community. Do you want universal health care with embedded choice and competition positioning patients and doctors as the central relationship in medicine? A back-up plan if the Supreme Court goes the wrong way in reviewing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

Do you want greater job creation and quicker economic growth? Do you want to instill confidence in our nation’s future to engage investors and consumers in expanding opportunity? Do you want to double our GDP in the next 10 years?

Do you want to help children fulfill their potential, to expand access to higher education, and to restore hope for families struggling in our community?

Do you want to bring over $400 million annually in new unfettered federal funding to our district so we can invest in creating solutions for our highest local priorities? Do you want effective solutions to your traffic nightmares?

Do you want confidence that our government will not shut-down? Do you want to see us keep our commitment making Social Security solvent without reducing benefits? Do you want assurance for a legacy of responsible fiscal management rather than debt for future generations of Americans?

This election is not about the men on stage. It is about you, your family and our community.

In 2010 I wrote a plan for positive action. It remains the only comprehensive economic and fiscal plan Moran sent to the Congressional Budget Office for analysis in his time, over 20 years, on Capitol Hill.

The plan summary is available along with Moran’s cover letter at www.VA8.com for your review.

A. Will Radle, Jr.

Democratic VA-8 Candidate