Celebrating Piano Restoration

In celebration of the restoration of its grand piano, Mount Vernon Unitarian Church will host a festive music and dance concert at 6 pm Sunday , March 18 at its chapel, 1909 Windmill Lane, Alexandria, just off Fort Hunt Rd. The concert includes Cheryl Sabo with the Franck Flute Sonata, classical pianist Jasmin Lee (doctor of musical arts), "Rhapsody in Blue" piano duet with Yee Von Ng and Li-Tan, and cellist Gozde Yasar and modern dancer Shannon Dooling performing Piazolla's "Le Grand Tango." The Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Choir closes with Copland's "The Promise of Living" with four-hand piano accompaniment. A reception will follow.

This concert "christens" the restored Hoffmann grand piano and honors those who helped with the restoration. Freewill offering benefits the Piano Preservation Fund. See music@mvuc.org