Allen Address Business Owners

Chamber hosts small business roundtable.

U.S. Senate candidate George Allen met last week with small business owners and community leaders at the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce Small Business Roundtable.

Allen is the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. James Webb, who is not seeking reelection. He is vying to regain the seat he lost to Webb and is in a closely contested race against the Democratic candidate, former Gov. Timothy Kaine.

Allen told chamber members: “Susan and I and our family live in the Mount Vernon area, and all our children are in or attended Fairfax County Public Schools, so we are acutely aware of the challenges facing small businesses and families in the community. We know that taxes, regulations, fuel prices, congested roads and schools are what families talk most about at their kitchen tables in Fairfax County. … Small businesses are the key to more jobs in our community, and they should have a government working with them, not against them.

“I am ready to bring to the U.S. Senate my proven record of bipartisan leadership for more fair tax laws, reasonable regulations, productive energy freedom and empowering education policies to help create the jobs our communities need.”

Barbara Doyle, Chamber president and CEO of Inova Mount Vernon Hospital, said, “This was an excellent opportunity for our chamber members to share their concerns and hear his position on the various issues.”

Michael Galillot, Chamber chairman, and Century 21 Realtor, agreed: “This was a great opportunity for chamber members to interact with Governor Allen in an intimate setting and share their perspectives on issues affecting their business.”

Holly Dougherty, executive director of the chamber, said, “Business owners are very interested in the upcoming 2012 elections and want to meet the candidates and know about their positions on taxes, regulations, and health care. The chamber provides this type of opportunity for its members.”