Exploring Summer Theater

Summer Camp is underway at the Mount Vernon Community Children’s Theatre. On Tuesday, July 10, the class of 8 and 9 years olds are deep into rehearsal for their upcoming performance of “Peter Pan.” The older children (10-12) are busy working on the blocking and script for their original production of “Mystery Island.” The children created the play loosely based on the game of ‘”Clue.” There are some slots left for the one week session July 23-27 and a few slots left for July 30-August 10. Campers range from age 5-13. The instructors all hold theatre/arts degrees, working professionals, specialized instructors and are experienced in working with children. The camps integrate process and learning focus with production and performance. Crafts such as believability, sensory memory, communication, performance skills, following directions and team building are interwoven into the session.

Limited space is still available for the MVCCT summer camp in late July and the first week of August. For more information visit www.mvcct.org