Run-a-Thon Raises Almost $25K for New School Track

More than 600 students run in support of project.

— After collecting final donations in early December, the Marshall Road Elementary School (MRES) PTA announced that it raised almost $25,000 in support of its initiative to build a new school track. PTA President Beth Eachus has reported that this is the most successful fundraiser Marshall Road has ever conducted.

More than 600 Marshall Road students – kindergartners through sixth graders – participated in the Run-a-Thon on Nov. 18, 2011, also known as "Trotting for a Track."

MRES students raised money by asking donors to sponsor their run by donating a lump sum or a per-lap contribution. Students ran as many laps as they could in a 50-minute period. Students collectively ran over 2,000 miles.

"That’s like running from Vienna to Salt Lake City," said Brian Walsh, co-chair for the MRES Run-a-Thon fundraiser.

The Run-a-Thon is one of Marshall Road’s 50 community service projects it planned this school year in honor of its 50th anniversary. The campaign – known as "Fifty for Fifty" – involves students, faculty, parents, alumni, friends and family partnering to complete community service work.

Currently, MRES Principal Jennifer Heiges and PTA President Beth Eachus are in the process of finalizing plans to hire a contractor to begin construction of the track. For a list of completed and ongoing community service projects, visit