PTA Reflections Program

— The theme of the 2010/2011 PTA Reflections program was "Diversity means..."The PTA Reflections Program was described by its founder, Mary Lou Anderson, as "almost too simple." That simplicity—of asking children to express themselves artistically based on a common theme—is the foundation of this long-standing PTA program.

The PTA Reflections Program is designed to enhance quality arts education for students in preschool through grade 12, encouraging them to create works of art in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and the visual arts.

Students submit artwork to their local PTAs. Works are judged at the local level and the winning entries advance to the council, district, region, and/or state PTA levels, depending on the state structure. Top state award–winning entries advance to the national level of judging.

The Great Falls Elementary School county awards are listed below. Those entries which received an Outstanding Interpretation will now go on to the District level.


Primary Division: Outstanding Interpretation - Rose Boos

Intermediate Division: Award of Merit - Aiden Curran


Primary Division: Outstanding Interpretation - Gloria Boos


Primary Division: Outstanding Interpretation - Gloria Boos


Middle Division: Award of Merit - Jefferson Pan