Dranesville Student Wins Helmet Competition

— Nasim and Subia Khan drove all the way from Herndon to Richmond to celebrate their daughter’s achievement.

Maryum Khan of Dranesville Elementary school won the "Use a Helmet Prevent Epilepsy" contest. Her artwork was selected out of 889 drawings in a Commonwealth wide contest, organized by the Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia (EFVA). This contest has been organized since 1994 to educate children about the use of helmets. The children who win in the "Use a Helmet Prevent Epilepsy" contest, their parents and teachers are invited each year to a celebration of the winning children in Richmond.

The children received prizes and had a short introduction to prevention and seizure first aid. Then they get a tour of the State Capitol. "Helmets are for everyone," says Maryum, 9. Her drawing shows a horse back rider with a helmet. Helmets help prevent brain injury, the largest known cause of epilepsy.

This event is organized by the Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia. The Virginia affiliate of the national Epilepsy Foundation is established in 1978 to promote awareness about epilepsy and to provide assistance to those with the disorder.