Tread Lightly

To the Editor:

It seems everyone is "weighing in" on the proposed Alexandria waterfront plan. As a rower I want to say "weigh enough" which means stop what you are doing now. I see the city from a vantage point that most Alexandrians do not. This past summer with the increased number of wooden sailing ships visiting it felt like the clock had been turned back as I rowed. Looking at the shoreline and Old Town skyline above the masts the city was frozen back in the 1800s and 1900s. That look needs to be preserved especially between Princess and Gibbon streets. With prudent small-scale development this can be accomplished. Let’s keep what we have already in the lower King Street area. The Waterfront Park & Old Dominion Boat Club should remain as is but a sidewalk should be added on the Strand and the fencing improved in front of the boat club’s parking lot still keeping a view to the river.

Recent news stories have indicated some members of the city council may have a conflict of interest. They should recuse themselves. Alexandria lost a good mayor in the ‘80s - we do not need history to repeat itself. I urge the remaining city council members to take a cautious approach and tread lightly since there will be no second chances in the future.

George Bergmann
