Letter: Oversight Responsibility?

— To the Editor:

Council member Roger Berliner stated at the Jan. 11 meeting of the West Montgomery County Citizens Association that the County Executive "committed" to a soccer field development deal involving a private soccer organization before the public was notified.

I am appalled at the unethical conduct of Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett, for clandestinely re-purposing taxpayer-supported public school property located on Brickyard Road in Potomac without due public process. I am equally appalled that the County Council members have been publicly mute on this issue for more than two years. Who is responsible for oversight of a County Executive who, in his last term of office has become dedicated to political favoritism, lining the pockets of private corporations by giving away public land for private development under the guise of "Public-Private Partnerships?" This means the private partner gets land and the income from it and the public gets nothing. Mr. Berliner and County Council members should be impeaching the County Executive for intentionally circumventing the law and the democratic process. I would go further and recommend a recall.

Mary Kathleen Ernst
