Lewinsville Road Bridge Being Demolished

— Starting on or about Tuesday, Jan. 3, the Capital Beltway HOT Lanes Project will begin removing the old Lewinsville Road Bridge. The bridge can be demolished now that utility companies have completed transferring their lines. The new Lewinsville Road Bridge is taller and longer and was rebuilt to accommodate the future Capital Beltway HOT Lanes.

The old bridge will take 3-4 weeks to remove, weather permitting.

All demolition work will take place at night, seven days a week, 11 p.m. to 4 a.m., with the exception of Saturdays in which hours will be extended through 7 a.m.

During demolition, 8-12 nights of work will produce especially loud noise due to the process of separating the steel and the concrete super structure of the bridge.

In order to ensure the safety of all motorists and the workforce and to minimize the impact on traffic, work is performed when traffic volumes are the lightest. Demolition personnel will do their best to minimize the time needed to complete the work.

Single and multiple lane closures northbound and southbound I-495 at the Lewinsville Road overpass will be put in place during demolition.

For more information visit www.vahotlanes.com or www.vamegaprojects.com.