Santa Comes to St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church

— On Dec. 20, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church held their annual children’s Christmas party. Children were able to create Christmas crafts, have their pictures taken with the one and only Saint Nick, and enjoy a delicious hot dog dinner. The evening started with the children creating crafts sponsored by the parish’s Women’s Association while the Knights of Columbus prepared the mouth-watering menu items.

As anticipation grew with every tick of the clock, Santa finally arrived to cheers, squealing and sleigh bells ringing. He discussed the true meaning of Christmas and noted how blessed St. Catherine’s is to have so many good girls and boys. After asking each of the sixty children for their first names, Santa proceeded to lead the children in singing a Christmas carol.

All the children who attended had the opportunity to have their picture taken with Santa, and afterward received a treat bag. Not only children, but entire families had their picture taken with Santa, creating a memoir from the evening. The Knights of Columbus sponsor a number of events in support of St. Catherine’s parish including a free pancake breakfast served with bacon and muffins every second week of the month after the 8 and 10 a.m. masses. Find out more about the Knights on the parish website,