Lamond Park Renamed to Honor Gil McCutcheon

— The Fairfax County Park Authority Board voted to rename Lamond Community Park to Gilbert S. McCutcheon Park, an action taken to honor the former Park Authority board member who represented the Mount Vernon District from 1992 to 2010. McCutcheon was instrumental in the acquisition of this 18-acre park located at 7509 Fort Hunt Road. McCutcheon died on Dec. 28, 2011. He was 95 years old.

The action, taken at the Park Board’s Jan. 25 meeting, conforms to Policy 106 which details the conditions under which a park can be named to honor an individual. The board voted unanimously to approve the change citing McCutcheon’s long tenure on the Park Board, numerous accomplishments and appreciation and dedication to public service.

McCutcheon was a member of the Founders, Benefactors, Supervisors and Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park for more than a decade, serving as president of the Board of Directors of the Frying Pan Farm Park and Youth Center Supervisory Board. He also served as a Resource Management Division volunteer and was a well-known figure at Mount Vernon Farmers Market where he served as the Market Master for 26 years.

He was a key player in the acquisition and the planning of the Laurel Hill property, adding 1,200 acres of green space to parks. He also negotiated acquisition of Lamond Community Park and assured that the home on the site was preserved. He presided over the renovations of Mount Vernon RECenter, guided the development of a new concert series and an off-leash dog park at Grist Mill Park and under his leadership, state-of-the-art synthetic turf fields became a reality in South County. Similarly, through his leadership the Park Authority was able to secure Old Colchester Park and Preserve, a treasure trove of archaeological finds and a tract of 140 acres of public land and open space.

He received the Distinguished Volunteer Service Award from the Virginia Recreation & Parks Society and was a recipient of the Lawrence V. Fowler Award, presented by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.

A ceremony will take place this spring.