Letter: Check Up on Legislators

— The Virginia General Assembly's web site Lis.virginia.gov is very valuable for determining what your state delegate and senator is doing to represent you because it has information readily available on legislation introduced (patron) and signed on other bills (co patron) by each state delegate and senator, committee assignments, bills considered by committees and votes cast by each General Assembly member in committees, during house and senate floor sessions and whether to pass or reject bills. The patron of a bill has the responsibility of providing data to committees for consideration to pass or reject a bill. When a person co-patrons a bill it shows support for the bill's content.

I reviewed the information published on this site for Delegate Surovell to get familiar with what bills he introduced (patron) because he stated in a commentary published in the Mount Vernon Gazette recently that "Route 1 will not improve until we get a fair share of construction funding." None of the 28 bills he patroned included a bill to change the state allocation formula for transportation construction funding. His 28 bills include a myriad of subjects including increasing the number of transportation board members, allowing localities to decide when the school year begins and ends, solar energy and increasing transparency for certain government actions. He also introduced 6 resolutions that generally commend or celebrate someone or thing. Of the 77 bills he co-patroned, some deal with raising taxes, civil rights, court matters, tax credits and medical matters.

I encourage you to go the General Assembly's web site Lis.virginia.gov and review your delegate's and state senator's record whiles the General Assembly is in session. By becoming involved you can increase accountability of the elected officials by letting then know your suggestions and comments. The more we become involved in the process, representation and results should help benefit all of us.

Frank Medico

Mount Vernon