Column: Advice for Healthy Seniors

The Senior Speaker Series continues next month with an event co-sponsored by Senior Services of Alexandria and Inova Alexandria Hospital on March 7 at 10:30 a.m. March is National Nutrition Month and the perfect time to focus on an important issue for everyone, but particularly for seniors: How to stay healthy and fit.

Let's face it, healthy eating is a challenge. Even though we all know the importance of "eating right" it can be hard to do when confronted by some of the issues we face as we get older. If you live alone, find it difficult to shop and even harder to prepare meals, proper nutrition can easily disappear.

SSA and Inova Alexandria Hospital have teamed up to give seniors and their caregivers really useful information about all the benefits that result from good nutrition and ideas for easy and healthy meals you can make on your own.

The program will begin with live cooking demonstrations of new simple and healthy dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hospital experts will highlight a range of nutritional issues including: "Easy ways to make healthy meals for one," "The importance of healthy eating for preventing disease and enjoying an active life," and, "The role of exercise and nutrition in staying mobile."

Practical information will also be available about food programs available for Alexandria seniors, as well as a few tasty treats to enjoy during the event. This program is free and open to the public. It will be held on March 7, from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Inova Alexandria Hospital at 1320 Seminary Road in Alexandria. Please contact SSA at 703-836 4414 ext. 10 or visit our website at to make your reservation.

Mary Lee Anderson

Senior Resource Center Director

Senior Services of Alexandria