Letter: True Champion

To the Editor:

All students attending Fairfax County Public Schools and their parents owe a debt of gratitude to a true champion. While a committee of people worked to restore honors, it is due to the heroic efforts of Kate van Dyke that the School Board voted on Thursday, Jan. 26, 11 to 1 to restore all five honors courses in the fall of 2012. These courses were systematically removed from the Fairfax County school system over the past several years, forcing students to choose between general education classes and Advanced Placement classes when neither level may have been suitable.

Every child will benefit for years to come from having the appropriate level of instruction. Kate, who has a job and other interests, gave up much of her own time, including many nights away from her family, to bring these needed educational options to our children. Her own children are close to finishing high school: she did this selflessly for the community.

As Helen Keller said, "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." Thank you Kate!

Jennifer Brower
