Letter: Next Step

Finally, a plan, which features countless hours of citizens input, widespread support, and numerous compromises, passed! Thank you to the Council members who voted in favor of the plan including Mayor Euille, Vice Mayor Donley, Councilman Smedberg, Councilman Krupika, and Councilwoman Pepper. Never, in this community has there been such widespread support of any plan from citizens, City officials, and the City’s boards and commissions. Passing by 6-1 in the Planning Commission, endorsed by the City’s Waterfront Committee, and the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Activities Commission just to name a few, and includes the support of the Del Ray Business Association, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, the AEDP, and ACVA is the kind of consensus we should always strive to reach.

The passing of the plan ensures 40 percent of the waterfront will be park oriented, it will include; a continuous waterfront walkway of 50-100 feet, an arts, history and cultural component, and more active park uses, with the least impact to traffic, an abundance of underground parking, and the greatest tax benefits to keep all residents’ property taxes from increasing. We are grateful and look forward to working with Council members to take the next steps to implement Waterfront Plan.

Gina Baum
