Kiwanis, UCM Award Pam Beggan

The highlight of the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club’s holiday party on Dec. 21 was the recognition award ceremony when the club presented a plaque and made Pam Beggan an honorary member for 2012 thanks to her 30 years of dedication to collecting fresh produce at the weekly Farmers Market at the Sherwood Hall library's parking lot from May to November and delivering the hundreds of pounds of food to the UCM's Food Pantry for distribution to needy families in our community. The club has been working with her at the market for the past five years.

In addition, UCM, represented by Marcos Castillo, volunteer coordinator, also awarded Beggan a plaque for 30 years of volunteer service to UCM. After those awards were presented to her, the attendees worked on a gingerbread house competition to see which table could make the best decorated house. A panel of three judges finally decided on the winner and MVKC President Dr. Dave Reynolds held it up for its round of applause.

All the decorated houses were then donated to UCM for the children there. Entertainment was provided by pianist Suzanne Reynolds, wife of member Dr. Donald Reynolds, and she led the singing of Christmas carols.