Newcomers Are Needed to Volunteer

Here are four agencies to join.


Enjoy helping others?

Although affluent homes predominate in the Mount Vernon community, along the Route 1 corridor there are numbers of homeless people camping in the woods and numerous families struggling to put food on the table and subsisting in crowded apartments and rundown motels.

To make a difference, volunteer at the following four nonprofit local agencies.


With a focus on sheltering the homeless and helping them find work, the administrative offices of New Hope Housing are located at 8407 Richmond Highway. Call 703-799-2293.

New Hope Housing operates the Kennedy Shelter for the homeless as well other shelters and resident homes in Alexandria and Fairfax area. Their programs help the homeless get back on their feet and into jobs.

Volunteer opportunities are numerous, including tutoring, helping with job searches, resume writing, organizing recreation activities, assisting in the kitchen , helping with repairs and helping with landscaping and maintenance.

In particular, a tutor is needed who speaks Farsi and a data entry volunteer is needed. There’s an upcoming activity Sept. 29 called “Rock and Stroll” which needs many volunteers. Contact Chris at

Hiring is also being done for staff positions.


Attuned to helping struggling families, the administrative office for UCM is located just off Route 1at 7511 Fordson Road.

Volunteers are needed with childcare and teaching at the Bryant Early Learning Center. Also each third Wednesday there are Transitional Life Skills Dinners where volunteers help teach budgeting, time management, dealing with domestic violence and moving from homelessness to independent living. Volunteers are also needed to cook.

Volunteer Basic Needs Counselors are also need to assist people needing food and facing emergencies.

At the Workforce Development Center, volunteers are need to teach computer skills and at the front desk.

Needed too are tutors, aides at the Back Porch Thrift Store and help in the food pantry.

For more information, contact Marcos Castillo at 703-768-7106, Ext. 328.


Located just off Route 1 at 8220 Russell Road, Rising Hope needs volunteers in the food pantry, clothes closet, in the kitchen serving a daily lunch, tutoring, translating and helping with children. Though a Methodist church, volunteers come from all backgrounds.

Rising Hope together with New Hope Housing operate a hypothermia shelter during the winter months and volunteers are needed.

For more information on how to help, contact Venisa McCormick at 703-360-1976.


Located at 8305 Richmond Highway and also devoted to helping the homeless and needy, Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services needs volunteers for administration, mentoring, childcare, tutoring, writing newsletters and grant proposals and Spanish speakers.

Volunteers are asked to fill out a “Volunteer Interest Form” online at