Receive Shoes at Rising Hope

Like Christ, 12 Samaritan’s Feet volunteers wash feet.

— Twelve 9th grade Samaritan’s Feet volunteers from Charlotte, N.C., washed the feet of 250 children Tuesday morning, July 31, at Rising Hope Mission Church.

While they worked bent over pans of soapy warm water they told of Christ’s example washing the feet of the 12 disciples at the Last Supper. Then each delighted child was fitted with a new pair of tennis shoes.

“This is a great way to get kids ready for school and tell them about Christ,” said the Rev. Jim Cashwell who led the 12 volunteers. He is pastor of Calvary Church in Charlotte.

“This is a way to train them to express the love of Christ in a practical way.”

The whole congregation participates, raising money for 1,000 pairs of shoes.

The group toured Washington on Monday, praying for the nation at the Capitol then touring the Smithsonian. “This is a chance to serve and see at the same time,” said Cashwell. After visiting more churches, the group returns to Charlotte on Friday.

Samaritan’s Feet is a global charity first organized by Manny Ohonme who received his first pair of shoes from a caring stranger when he was an impoverished little boy in Lagos, Nigeria.

Samaritan’s Feet has provided shoes for 4.5 million children and adults in 60 nations.