Letter: True Community Business

To the Editor:

I am writing to thank the Harvey family for everything they've done in the 20 years or so that we've lived in the Fort Hunt area, fully aware that they had done the same things for years before we arrived. The service provided at Hollin Hall Automotive has been fantastic over the years, and the contributions the Harvey family has made to the local Little League and other organizations have helped make this a great community. When we moved to this area, the Hollin Hall shopping center looked a bit drab, but then we went through the doors and met the people at Village Hardware, Safeway, Via Veneto, the Variety Store, etc., and we learned to love the place. Village Hardware, in particular, has made major contributions to local organizations; I have personally spread much of the free Turfus they have provided to the Ft. Hunt Little League.

It is sad that Hollin Hall Automotive must discontinue the free full service that it has provided over the years, but that's business. Few have opened their books publicly like Tom Harvey has to show people the basis for the cost of his service, and I have no doubt that he is making this change despite all efforts to avoid it. Hollin Hall Automotive has hired many high school kids over the years, giving them their first opportunity to hold a job, and special people like Frank Brown have enriched our lives with their friendly demeanor.

I will continue to buy as much of my gas as possible at Hollin Hall Automotive because their contributions are far greater than the gasoline they provide.

Steve Dressing
