Letter: Best Way To Spend $7 Million?

To the Editor:

The mayor and the City Council have proven again that they do not represent their Alexandrian citizens. According to "Kissing and Riding" (March 29), they will abolish the 30 parking spaces (including the handicapped spaces) at the King Street Metro station and spend $7 million to enhance the parking lot.

The vice mayor says the parking lot creates a conflict. What conflict is he talking about? Pedestrian safety is important but I don't see where the lot presents any more of a problem than one has in crossing the streets from either side of the station's exits.

In this economy how can the City justify this $7 million extravagant expenditure for this unnecessary project? Where are they going to get the money from? In the same newspaper it is noted that business license tax revenue is down, recordation tax is down and revenue from the Federal Government is down.

This is the same group in their infinite wisdom brought you the Brac Building, the waterfront project, and have not collected the $10.3 million in taxes from city businesses and residents.

This is also the same group that voted to increase our real estate taxes even though when Acting City Manager Johnson left, I believe, he stated there would be no need to increase taxes.

It is time for the present mayor and council to be voted out of office. We need a clean slate.

Florence Foelak
