Hollin Hills Tour Highlights Modern Style

The Hollin Hills House and Garden Tour will be held Saturday, April 28 from noon to 6 p.m. The homes were designed by architect Charles Goodman and are noted for their expanses of glass and integration with their wooded an hilly environment. The theme of the tour is: “Modern: Then + Now” and will include homes with the original footprint and those that have had additions designed which are compatible with the Modern style.

Prior to the tour starting, resident and architect, Tom Kerns, FAIA, will give a brief history of Hollin Hills. This will be at 11 a.m. at the Hollin Meadows Elementary School, 2310 Nordok Place which is one of the registration areas where individuals may purchase or pick-up prepaid tickets and receive a brochure of the tour. The other registration site is at 1602 Paul Spring Road which intersects with Fort. Hunt where the Hollin Hills’s swimming pool is located.

The evening before the tour, April 27 at 6 p.m., The Corcoran Gallery of Art, College of Art + Design is hosting a program on “Hollin Hills, A Community of Vision” which include the following speakers: architect, author and critic, Michael Sorkin, Landscape Architect Dennis Carmichael, FASLA, and Heidi Nasstrom Evans, Ph.D., Corcoran College of Art + Design and facilitated by Lisa Lipinski, Ph.D., Corcoran College, Interim Chair, Arts + Humanities.

For more information about this event and to purchase tickets, visit www.hollinhill.net. This event is priced separately and is $10.