Letter: Choose the Right Path

To the Editor:

On March 24, the Fairfax County Republican Committee (FCRC) held an extremely successful convention at West Springfield High School. With over 1000 attendees, this is the largest convention anyone can recall the Fairfax GOP ever having, and it is a sign of great things to come in 2012 and beyond.

I am honored to have been elected FCRC chairman at the convention, and look forward to serving our County and our Party over the next two years.

Please permit me to use the Mount Vernon Gazette to extend a special thank you to Republicans from the Mount Vernon and Lee Districts, who turned out in great numbers to support me at the convention. It was wonderful to have the support of so many neighbors, and I owe you all a debt of gratitude. I will certainly serve the entire County, but I know my understanding of our area will benefit us here as well.

This is a critical year for the United States of America. It is up to us to decide which path we will choose for the future. Will we continue on the path envisioned by our Founders, fought and died for by our Patriots for over 235 years, and both nurtured and cherished by every generation of Americans? Or will we choose another path, one that, in the words of President Obama, will be dedicated to "fundamentally transforming" our nation? I ask each person to consider very carefully which path he or she will support. I further ask to choose the path of our Founders, the path of liberty, freedom, and economic prosperity.

As the chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee I have another request. I ask all those who support liberty and freedom, and all who desire prosperity and opportunity for all, to do more than ever to support our candidates in the upcoming elections. This is the year to get out and be as active as possible. Volunteer more than ever, donate more than ever, communicate with others more than ever, and of course: Vote! Our nation's future depends on it.

Feel free to contact me at jay@gojay.org if you are interested in volunteering. I look forward to an exciting and consequential year, and to serving you all for the betterment of our community.

Jay McConville


Fairfax County Republican Committee